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不同春小麦品种耐低磷性评价及种质筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筛选磷高效作物是充分利用土壤磷素和减少磷肥施用量的重要手段。本研究以162份春小麦种质资源为材料,对其苗期的株高、总根长、根表面积等8个指标的耐低磷系数进行分析,采用隶属函数法综合评价春小麦苗期的耐低磷特性,初步筛选耐低磷材料,并进一步进行成株期的耐低磷特性鉴定,筛选出耐低磷材料和磷敏感材料,分析其在低磷下酸性磷酸酶的活性变化。结果表明,低磷胁迫下春小麦材料苗期和成株期的各性状均受到不同程度的影响,并随着胁迫程度的增加,小麦生长受抑制程度增强。通过主成分分析将苗期8个指标转化成4个综合指标(累计贡献率为82.60%),将成株期的10个指标转化为3个综合指标(累计贡献率为83.23%);采用隶属函数法计算耐低磷综合评价值(D)值,对D值进行聚类分析,将苗期的162份春小麦种质资源划分为耐低磷型(10份)、较耐低磷型(26份)、低磷较敏感型(91份)、低磷敏感型(35份)4类。选取耐低磷型材料(5份)和低磷敏感型材料(4份),进一步进行成株期鉴定,最终筛选1份耐低磷材料wp-35和1份磷敏感材料wp-119。通过分析其酸性磷酸酶活性,发现在低磷胁迫下春小麦根系和叶片中的酸性磷酸酶活性均升高,且耐低磷材料的酸性磷酸酶活性高于磷敏感材料。本研究结果可为解析春小麦耐低磷特性、培育耐低磷品种提供种质资源和理论依据。  相似文献   
Geographic variations in the dolphin whistles could be useful in assessing association and isolation among populations. Whistle of free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) among the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), Leizhou Bei (LZB) and Sanniang Bay (SNB) populations were investigated. A total of 2850 whistles with legible fundamental contour were extracted and 15 acoustic parameters were measured. Contrary to SNB, PRE and LZB had the same relative proportion of tonal type compositions with flat and sine representing the most frequent types. The generalized linear model analysis showed significant acoustic difference among populations and tonal types. All frequency parameters in SNB were significantly higher than those in PRE and LZB, where no significant variation was observed in most of the parameters either at the population level or within each tonal type. Canonical discriminant functions analysis showed a smaller difference between PRE and LZB than between PRE and SNB and between LZB and SNB. Compared with previous recordings, recent recordings demonstrated a consistent pattern of becoming higher in whistle frequency parameters in both LZB and SNB populations, suggesting that noise pollution in LZB and SNB increasing with time according to the acoustic niche hypothesis. Dolphin whistle's geographic variations could be shaped by the combined function of the geographical barrier function of the Qiongzhou strait and local ambient noise. Considering the isolated condition and the relatively smaller population size of the humpback dolphin in the SNB, more effective and proactive conservation actions should be taken to prevent the extinction of small populations.  相似文献   
讨论粘性Cahn-Hilliard方程的高精度线性化差分方法.利用降阶法对粘性Cahn-Hilliard方程建立三层线性化紧差分格式.用离散能量分析法证明差分格式的唯一可解性及在L_∞-范数下的收敛性,其收敛阶为时间方向二阶、空间方向四阶.最后,通过数值算例验证了差分格式的理论结果.  相似文献   
面向养殖水体,传统光谱法对化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand,COD)检测模型构建的基础:源域(现有样本库)与目标域(检测地水体)间光谱数据独立同分布。但是当源域与目标域分布间存在差异时,由源域得到的低误差模型常在目标域上表现下滑。针对该问题,提出面向UV Vis光谱的域对抗训练网络(DAUVwpNet),将分布不同的源域和目标域数据映射至相同分布的特征空间中,使其在该空间的分布距离尽可能接近,从而在特征空间中对源域训练的目标函数也可以迁移至目标域上,以降低模型在目标域的误差。试验表明:面向同一批测试数据,DAUVwpNet的预测误差为0.78,要低于传统模型的预测误差(0.85);DAUVwpNet预测值与实测值间相关系数为0.95,要高于传统模型的相关系数(0.89)。表明了该网络能够较好对齐两域特征空间数据分布,降低因分布差异带来的COD检测误差。  相似文献   
从特点、方法、步骤等方面阐述农业行政处罚简易程序与一般程序的区别,并对其适用情况进行分析,以期促进农业行政处罚的合理、有效开展。  相似文献   
【目的】研究两种通风模式下杭州地区规模化猪场舍内环境参数及其分布规律,筛选出适合本地区推广的通风模式。【方法】选取杭州地区具有代表性的横向通风和纵向通风两种通风模式下育肥舍为研究对象,开展了早、中、晚3个不同时间点,进风口、舍中央和排风口3个不同位置的热环境参数、有害气体浓度的监测,持续监测1周。分析不同时间点和舍内不同位置对热环境参数(温度、相对湿度、风速)以及有害气体(氨气(NH3)和硫化氢(H2S))浓度的影响,并对两种模式下的热环境参数及有害气体浓度进行比较分析;采用空气沉淀法收集舍内环境中的细菌,并对细菌进行培养及统计分析,比较两种模式下育肥舍中细菌数量差异。【结果】两种通风模式下育肥舍相对湿度均低于国家标准,位置和各时间点对相对湿度影响不大,其中纵向通风舍内的相对湿度显著高于横向通风模式(P<0.05)。两种通风模式舍内平均温度没有显著性差异(P>0.05),舍内中午温度显著高于早、晚(P<0.05),位置对纵向通风舍内温度影响较大。纵向通风舍内平均风速为(1.09±0.42) m/s,符合国家标准且极显著高于横向通风模式(P<0.01),风速受舍内位置的影响,各时间点对其影响不大。两种通风模式下猪舍空气环境中有害气体浓度均在国家标准范围内,但纵向通风舍内NH3和H2S浓度均显著低于横向通风模式(P<0.05),各时间点H2S、NH3浓度差异均不显著(P>0.05),舍内不同位置对有害气体浓度分布影响较大,进风口位置有害气体浓度显著低于舍中央位置和排风口位置(P<0.05)。纵向通风舍内空气中细菌总数符合国家标准且显著低于横向通风模式(P<0.05)。【结论】纵向通风模式下育肥舍内的总体环境优于横向通风模式,在本区域生产应用中,育肥舍的设计倾向于推广纵向通风模式。  相似文献   


Electrochemical approach to the assessment of acid‐base states should provide a better mechanistic explanation of the metabolic component than methods that consider only pH and carbon dioxide.


Simplified strong ion equation (SSIE), using published dog‐specific values, would predict the measured serum pH of diseased dogs.


Ten dogs, hospitalized for various reasons.


Prospective study of a convenience sample of a consecutive series of dogs admitted to the Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (MUVTH), from which serum biochemistry and blood gas analyses were performed at the same time. Serum pH was calculated (Hcal+) using the SSIE, and published values for the concentration and dissociation constant for the nonvolatile weak acids (Atot and K a), and subsequently Hcal+ was compared with the dog''s actual pH (Hmeasured+). To determine the source of discordance between Hcal+ and Hmeasured+, the calculations were repeated using a series of substituted values for Atot and K a.


The Hcal+ did not approximate the Hmeasured+ for any dog (P = 0.499, r 2 = 0.068), and was consistently more basic. Substituted values Atot and K a did not significantly improve the accuracy (r 2 = 0.169 to <0.001). Substituting the effective SID (Atot[HCO3]) produced a strong association between Hcal+ and Hmeasured+ (r 2 = 0.977).

Conclusions and clinical importance

Using the simplified strong ion equation and the published values for Atot and K a does not appear to provide a quantitative explanation for the acid‐base status of dogs. Efficacy of substituting the effective SID in the simplified strong ion equation suggests the error lies in calculating the SID.  相似文献   
草履蚧寄主丰富,一年发生1代,大多数以卵在土中越夏和越冬,翌年1月下旬至2月上旬,在土中开始孵化,若虫出土后沿茎杆上爬至梢部、芽腋或初展新叶刺吸危害。造成树势衰弱生长量降低,危害严重时造成树木死亡。若虫2龄后虫体蜡质增厚,农药不易渗透,防治难度大。我们采用综合防治,针对不同的虫期采取不同的防治方法,取得较好效果。  相似文献   
对我国木工机械安全标准与目前欧美最新相关安全通用标准进行比较分析,找出我国标准GB 12557-2010与EN 691-1:2012、ANSI O1.1-2009之间存在的差异与不足,为应对国际间贸易技术壁垒,提升我国木工机械行业国际竞争力提供参考。  相似文献   
利用ANSYS有限元软件对单源载热体(导热油加热,水冷却)和双源载热体(热油和蒸汽同时加热,冷油和水同时冷却)的热压板孔道结构分别进行传热仿真分析,得到相应的温度分布云图及热压板温度随时间的变化曲线.传热仿真分析结果显示,在同样条件下用双源载热体把热压板加热到140℃所用的时间比单源载热体少200 s,双源载热体加热热压板板面最大温差1.2℃;双源载热体冷却所用的时间比单源载热体少330 s,板面最大温差2.6℃.表明采用双源载热体产品可达到优等品的生产要求.同时设计了与双源载热体相适应的载热体输送管道结构.  相似文献   
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